القائمة الرئيسية


محادثة عند طبيب الاسنان باللغة الانجليزية

محادثة عند طبيب الاسنان باللغة الانجليزية
محادثة عند طبيب الاسنان باللغة الانجليزية
Dr. Peterson: Well, we'll take a look. Please recline and open your mouth.... that's good.

Sam:(after being examined) How does it look?

Dr. Peterson: Well, there is some inflammation of the gums. I think we should also do a new set of S-rays.

Sam: Why do you say that?

Is something wrong?

Dr. Peterson: No, no, it's just standard procedure every year. It looks like you may have a few cavities as well.

Sam: That's not good news .... hmmm

Dr. Peterson: There are just two and they look superficial.

Sam: I hope so.

Dr. Peterson: We need to take X-rays to identify tooth decay, as well as check for decay between the teeth.

Sam: I see.

Dr. Peterson: Here, put on this protective apron.

Sam: OK.

Dr. Peterson: (after taking the X-rays) Things look good. I don't see any evidence of further decay.

Sam: That's good news!

Dr. Peterson: Yes, I'll just get these two fillings drilled and taken care of and then we'll get your teeth cleaned.

موضوع تعبير عن طبيب الاسنان بالانجليزي

I do not like to visit a dentist. But one day I had a bad toothache. I could not bear the pain so I phoned my dentist, and made an appointment with him. As I entered his waiting room, I saw many patients. They were all awaiting their turn to go in. Most of them seemed to be in great pain. Some even had swollen cheeks. I sat on a chair and looked through some magazines as I waited to be called in. Suddenly I heard a scream from the next room. I became very frightened. I wanted to get up and run back home. But everyone would have laughed at me if I did this. So I kept on sitting. At last it was my turn to go in. The dentist was kind and gentle. He felt my tooth with his instrument. Dentist He said that there was a cavity in it. It would have to be filled. Then he took a machine and drilled my tooth. It made unbearable noise. From time to time he made me gargle my mouth with water. Finally, he filled my tooth with white cement. He then told me to come back after a week to have my tooth filled with silver. I had to pay him eighty rupees for his work. On my way home I was happy. The pain had gone. I was thankful to the dentist for having taken away the pain.

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